4th of July is just around the corner, and with it comes all the Independence Day Celebrations! This holiday is the perfect reason to get friends and families together during your next Lake Tahoe vacation getaway and celebrate the nation’s day of independence. Incline Village hosts their annual Red, White and Tahoe Blue celebration each year that is one of the area’s most popular summer events. Since 2007 the Red, White and Tahoe Blue has been promoting community spirit and charitable causes. One of our favourite Truckee CA Events, Red, White and Tahoe Blue is a fun family celebration that cannot be missed.
This Year’s Red, White and Tahoe Blue
This year’s event will see the return of Fireworks, a parade, community fair, and a celebration for our veterans. Specific favorites include the pancake breakfast, Rotary Duck races, Beer & Brats, Wine & Cheese, and more. You can celebrate and respect our veterans with the Veteran lunch, flag raising ceremony, flag retirement ceremony, and a tribute on the beach. With so much to do, this annual event will take place several days to fit it all in. Red, White and Tahoe Blue will take place this year from June 30th through July 4th for all of the celebrations. Take a moment to honor our nation’s heroes while enjoying the warm summer weather with friends and family right on Lake Tahoe.